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About US


To restore and protect wetlands in the historic watersheds associated with the Little River, and to provide educational opportunities that encourage good stewardship of wetlands and other natural ecosystems.


A network of natural and restored wetlands in the Little River and associated watersheds, protected in perpetuity to provide cleaner water, better flood control, more contiguous wildlife habitat, wetland education, and open natural spaces that people value and enjoy.

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Little River Wetlands Project is a nonprofit land trust founded in 1990 with the goal of restoring and preserving wetlands in the watershed of the Little River, a headwater tributary of the Wabash River. ​LRWP started as a partnership with members from ACRES Land Trust, Fox Island Alliance, Fort Wayne Chapter of the Izaak Walton League, and Stockbridge Audubon Society. All partners were concerned that over 85% of Indiana’s wetlands have been destroyed. LRWP is a community restoration project to bring back some of these lost wetlands. Since wetlands are complicated, our partners knew that wetland education had to be a component of our mission.


Little River Wetlands Project (LRWP) protects more than 1,300 acres of wetlands in the Little River watershed. In addition to Eagle Marsh, Arrowhead Marsh, Arrowhead Prairie and Buttonbush Bottoms, LRWP also co-owns Little River Landing with ACRES Land Trust.

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